Welcome to our blog!

Lansdowne Area Residents' Association (LARA) was established more than ten years ago to provide a communal voice for residents in the area. Historically part of Brunswick Town, the majority of the properties are grade II listed. We use this blog to publish and share the latest news from our neighborhood.


Thursday 23 June,, 2010, 7.30 for 8.00 meeting (place to be confirmed)

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Please help - donations for flowers needed!

Dear Resident

Do you enjoy the bright flowering polo baskets on the lamp-posts each summer?

If so, please will you make a donation to help pay for these? They are
NOT funded by the Council, but by donations from individual residents or traders or organisations. This year, we will not even receive one 'free one' from the Council.

Each polo basket costs £135 and includes watering and maintenance from June to September. The firm, Windowflowers, is contracted by Brighton and Hove City in Bloom to provide them, so that we cannot shop around, or do them ourselves.

We do hope you will be able to help. If every householder in the 125 houses gave £5 we would have enough money. Otherwise, there will be some blank lamp-posts.

Please give either cash, or a cheque made payable to Lansdowne Area Residents' Association and put it through the letter box of no. 41 or 23 Lansdowne Place. Receipts will be provided.

Lansdowne Place will be part of the competition for South and South East in Bloom for which
Brunswick Town in Bloom is being entered. Last year we won a Silver Gilt, and now we are aiming for a GOLD. Last year, too, we won the City Community Cup for all our activities, and eight winners came from Brunswick Town.

Let's see if we can get enough money!

Best wishes,
Trish Gaskell-Watkins, Chair, and Juliette Hunting, Committee member